- I don't the get the hoopla over St. Patrick's Day. Maybe it's because I'm not Irish or that I don't drink. However, you would have thought it was Christmas to Emi. A Leprechaun sent them on a hunt and messed up her classroom. She was thrilled.
- Parker won 1st place in the photography division of the Art Express contest. He was beyond thrilled. We almost didn't make it to the awards ceremony in time, but thanks to a wonderful and brave Grandma, he made it in time! What a cool surprise! He so wanted to use his new Christmas camera from Grandpa N. (which is way better than our camera).
This is the winning pic...Mt. Olympus after a snow storm
4. Emi believes that, since there are Storm Troopers and Snow Troopers (Parker talks about this stuff a lot), that there should be Sun Troopers. I can just imagine them....skipping around in orange plastic costumes. Sorry, I had to mention it.
5. About 1/4 of the people I have told about my pregnancy have said, "I was wondering if you were". This is not a nice thing to say.
6. Because of the temple dedication, we did NOT have to go to church today. Neither did Bill. This has been heaven. He took the older kids to visit Aunt Lisa, and I had a decent nap!!!!! We ate a 3-course breakfast, I planned my week, we enjoyed each other....I am so in love with this. I may not ever go again. What a novel idea to have my husband home on a Sunday!
7. Quinn is still adorable, but just a little fiesty this week. Yesterday, we went to Friday's and the kid ate his weight in food.
Great post--I love posts like this because I feel like I was right there with you. I missed the dedication (we were out of town) but I did some time at the open house. What a beautiful temple. Congrats to Parker. He is awesome. I don't get St. Patricks day either. lame. I totally hear you about #5. Why do people say that? I could write a book about rude pregnancy comments (both before and after I have the baby--yes, I was still getting when is the baby due comments with a two month old!)
Liz- I totally agree that yesterday with no church was one of my best Sunday's in recent memory! Does that make me a bad person? Hope not....okay, see you at church Sunday! ;)
What a great photo Parker took! I also think that when people say that it's not nice...maybe it was because you weren't feeling well?? Yeah that's it...they knew you had the flu for 6 weeks and just thought "gotta be pregnant" :)
I think I'm guilty of "the comment". In my defense, it wasn't because I thought you looked it. I promise!!! It was purely one of those random thoughts that entered my head when I was staring at the back of yours during sac meeting... No excuse. I know. So Sorry!
Congrats to Parker! That's awesome. It's a great picture.
glad to hear you had a great week! that is so fun that Parket went to the dedication with you...I don't know how kids made it through that whole wait. I even got sleepy!
Great post!I love all the little random thoughts. My sister is big into St Patricks and has the lepraucon (spelled wrong) stop and visit. I scared my kids to death doing that. Guess I don't get it either.
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