Sunday, March 24, 2013

A quiet week

Spring Break!
No work for me....right? I have this little problem where I plan a little too much to accomplish when I'm not teaching classes. We decided not to go anywhere since Bill has spent most of March away for work and in Moab with the boys, so we are "stay-cationing" here at home. But I feel like I have put a little too much on my plate because of the allure of not teaching. I've got to be more realistic and not be disappointed when it all doesn't happen. I tend to put this kind of pressure on my weekends as well.

But as weekends go, it was pretty productive. I didn't feel too bad putting Bill to work as he was away in DC all last week having adult conversation and enjoying the Capitol building while I was home teaching classes with no voice, hacking up a lung all night, AND sitting up with little girls who were also hacking up lungs. It was yucky. So, we finished up things in our living room and a myriad of other things like clean out Quinn's room, the kitchen, and even had a little date.

(this might be the most boring post ever)

So besides the large list of things to do with my kids this week, here is what I need to accomplish:
*clean off my desk. This is no small task. I have a huge desk.
*Clean all fridges. Due to a long running Santa-head exchange between some friends, I have pomegranate 7-up that exploded in my outside fridge. Don't ask, but not looking forward to the clean up.
*organize all bathrooms and clean the walls.
*organize Emi's closet and figure out some shelving for her room.
*help Parker dig out his room. I'm really hoping to access his closet without knocking over the Civil War set up of army guys.
*Go through Macy's clothes
*Recital: type out program, cut music, set schedules, buy the rest of the hairpieces, set next year's schedule, etc, etc
*get rid of the baby DVDs
*Do my physical therapy exercises EVERY DARN DAY
*Do regular exercises everyday. That went to crap last week with my cold
* Force Bill into the rid his t-shirt collection.
*dig out my car, aka the "trash can on wheels"
*dig out my purse, aka the "portable trash can"
*scrapbook October 2011....I'm slowly catching up. Well, not really, but I'm trying. I love digital scrapbooking.
* Get all Easter stuff ready.
* clear off my deck. All leftover furniture has found it's way to my deck. It's a little white-trashy, so I'm figuring out where it goes.
* prepare my Sunday School lesson and make it wonderful. This new curriculum is kind of kicking my tail.
* Be the fun mom....yeah right.

This list is just making me yawn......I'll see what happens.

1 comment:

brooke said...

Your list made me tired. The only thing on my list is to take my kids horse back riding Tuesday. That is so over-the-top that I am doing nothing the rest of the week!